

Who can be a Big Brother or Big Sister?

All different types of people can be "Bigs" because we have all different types of kids! Bigs must be at least 18 years old (16 for our site-based programs), and be willing to get together with a child on a regular basis. You can be matched one-on-one with a child or have someone (e.g. friend, spouse, sibling, roommate) join you in a "Shared Match!" Before you can be matched, one of our Match Specialists will meet with you, explain the program in more detail, and gather information about you. This helps them determine with which child you will be most successful.

How will my Little be chosen?

Part of your initial meeting with our Match Specialist will be to determine what interests you and to ask you with what type of child you’d like to matched. Then, before the child is even told we may have found a "Big" for him/her, your Match Specialist will describe that particular child to you. You tell the Match Specialist whether or not you’d like to proceed. If you feel the child is not right for you, your Match Specialist will continue to search for one who is.

What does a Big Brother or Big Sister do?

Your role is simply to share experiences with a child and model responsible behavior. You and your "Little" are matched based on your compatibility, so you should have some things in common right away. You and your "Little" decide when you’ll get together, and what activities you’ll do. Simply put, all you have to do, is play!

How much time and money will I need for all those activities?

Most Bigs don’t see their role as a major time commitment. We encourage you to involve your Little in routine every day activities. We encourage low- to no-cost activities. We even provide you with an Activity Guide, which lists hundreds of suggestions for activities and lists several businesses who have agreed to offer you discounts when you present your "Friendship" i.d. card. We also tell your Little and his/her parents not to expect you to spend a lot.

What if I can’t tell my Little "no?"

Some kids do need more limits than others. Our enrollment process should match you with a child with whom you’ll be comfortable. If you do have trouble, however, our Match Specialists are available to help you and offer suggestions for dealing with a variety of situations. And remember, you’re not parent, their babysitter, nor their disciplinarian. Those roles are to be filled by their parent.

Who are the "Littles?"

Little Brothers and Little Sisters are just regular children with varied personalities, wishes and dreams. Like all of us, they need praise for things they do well, and encouragement for things they don’t do so well. They need rules, but also need to know it’s ok to take some positive risks. One thing they all have in common is they agreed that having a Big would be great!

What if I have more questions?

Please call and talk to one of our staff about your specific concerns. (You can even call anonymously if you wish!)